Artist Jack Keough Videos on YouTube.
At times my work has gotten political, and other times I'm just making fun of stupid stuff to make you laugh. But here are some links to some of the rants in my head I've produced to clear things up. I hope you'll enjoy,
and as always, Peace Folks.
"A Tree Falling In Boston"
(c) Artist Jack Keough 2016
All Work On This Site is Sole © Artist Jack Keough 2017. All Rights Reserved
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Artist Jack Keough at Artists Speak reception
at Fitchburg Art Musem discussing his
2nd in show painting "Just Piss On It"
"Guernica In The Streets"
(c) Artist Jack Keough 2016
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(We regret the loss of color bibrancy and crisp image effected by crossing platforms from camera to YouTube uploading.)